
Thursday, November 5, 2009

So... this is my first entry into the blogging world. I kinda feel like it's the first day of high school all over again. A friend told me that i should tell everyone a little about myself... sorta my blogging handshake. But a slight problem with that.... i couldn't tell you anymore about myself than you can. It's not that i don' t know my likes or dislikes, for example i hate everyone food that is accepted by the majority of the general population, e.g. oreos, ranch dressing, cream cheese, peanut butter, pancakes... weird i know. But who i am.... what defines me.... i looked it up in the dictionary, its not in there. So i guess the only thing that i really can tell you is "Hi, my name's Kendall." now you know just about as much as i do.

So hi... and if your reading this right now, I apologize. I hate introductions, I've never been good at them. And who knows, maybe if you keep reading and i keep writing, we might find out who is at the keyboard after all.



Holly Ann said...

Ken I'm so glad you started a blog!!! Now add me to your list of friends and become one of my followers. I'm so excited to follow your blog because you are such an amazing writer!! And I just love hearing about your day!!! Okay I think that's enough exclamaitons for now...okay maybe one more! LOL hee hee LOVE YA!!!!!

Tawni said...

KENDALL!!!!!! I'm so happy you started a blog! Oh it's going to be great to hear all your fabulous tales! haha add me and ashree as friends and we'll do the same! Love ya!

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