Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas... such a fail on such an epic scale. I had to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and let me tell you... people are jackasses. It really burnt me out on the whole holiday season and definitely burnt me out on the whole work thing. I'm so tired.

New Year's Revolution

Thursday, December 22, 2011

As you may or may not have noticed in the title, this post is about my new year's revolution, interject the v for s and you have a clever quip on the old New Year's resolution. I decided that describing my attempts at change as a battle to overthrow the established government was a mite more appropriate then depicting them as a proclamation of intent. I find it redundant to proclaim your intentions or to promulgate your resolve when actions speak louder than words. Anyways, one of my revolutions is to write a post everyday for the next year. I'm starting a little earlier than scheduled for one simple reason... I felt like it. Not too mention I don't always feel like writing, it's a very introspective art and in my current state of being introspection is not the easiest on my psyche, or ego. But I had the urge tonight and so here I am. I imagine by now that you are one of two people to read these words (yes I am included in the total) and you may be asking yourself several questions. Why does this dude only blog once a year? All his posts are about being lost or finding himself... doesn't he have GPS? And maybe you even question my sexuality, why I don't know but there are a lot of kinky freaks out there. (Yes I'm talking about you, wink wink) But one thing you should be aware of before you read on... I am lost. So if by now your already tired of reading just stop. I don't need your judgmental comments or your disapproving looks! (I'm guessing that's what your look is) cause if I did I wouldn't be writing a blog no one reads... I get my own reality tv show like those Jersey Shore people or the Kardashians. So take your nasty comments and leave my blog alone.

If you are sticking around and still reading good for me.

I had a conversation with a friend the other day that I think you'll find interesting, (SPOILER ALERT: it ties the whole post together) we got on the subject of life and the human condition as we are wont to do and the subject of expression came up. I mentioned that I love writing, blah blah freest form of expression blah blah, and he made a very excellent point. He told me that writing in itself is actually limiting and imprisoning human emotion. It's not a form of expression at all, it's a verbal prison. Think about it... the way you feel about something is infinite, there is no boundaries on emotion. When you are happy, you feel it in your entire being, it permeates into everything you say or do. It is an immensity. Yet saying that you feel "happy" caps it, encompasses all your emotion and puts it into a written bubble. I thought on it for a second, and then I said to him "Then that makes writing equivalent to parole, because without a platform for communicating our feelings our own bodies would be the prison, the mind being cell block d." And so that's why I am overthrowing the reigning mindset that is Kendall and instead establishing a freer albeit only slightly, more expressive Kendall in its stead. And that my loyal reader (if you indeed made it this far) is a conclusion, and the conclusion to my first seditious post of the almost new year. VIVA LA EXPRESION!